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Programme Manager - Startups

Manchester Digital -

Full-time (Permanent)
£28k - £35k
Published on
28 March 2024

Manchester Digital is a leading, not for profit, tech trade body based in Manchester, 致力于促进区域数字和技术生态系统内的增长和合作. 致力于推动创新和经济发展, 我们为数字和技术雇主提供了一个交流平台, learn, collaborate and thrive.

This will be a very hands-on role, 并且需要一个积极性高、经验丰富的项目经理来负责监督我们不同项目的整个生命周期, from conception to delivery, 确保参与机构的成功成长和发展. 

Who would be a good fit for this role? 

Ideally you will: 

  • 有很强的项目或计划管理背景, 最好有在技术领域的领导经验.

  • 对早期科技创业公司所面临的挑战和机遇有深刻的理解,熟悉科技企业启动和扩展的复杂性, 以及对他们可用的资源和支持机制有很好的了解.

  • 能适应动态和快节奏的工作环境, 愿意承担预期的风险,并为挑战探索创造性的解决方案.

  • 具有很强的领导才能,能够激励他人朝着共同的目标前进. You should be comfortable in leading teams, delegating tasks, 并通过协作和团队合作来推动成果.

  • Have a strong, 战略思维,善于发现增长和创新的机会, 以及预测和减轻潜在的挑战.

  • 熟悉大十大网博靠谱平台创业生态系统和当地资源网络. 这包括对该地区经济格局的理解, key players, and support organisations.

What will be your responsibilities? 

Overall, 这个职位的成功候选人应该是对支持数字和技术行业充满热情的人, 具有较强的领导能力和项目管理能力, 并致力于对当地社区产生积极影响.


  • Project Planning and Delivery:制定和执行全面的项目计划, including defining key milestones, deliverables, and resource requirements. 你将确保有效实施计划,在规定的时间内实现规划目标.

  • Stakeholder Management:协调及联络各持份者, including startups, mentors, investors, local authorities, and community partners. 您将建立牢固的关系,并确保与项目目标保持一致, fostering collaboration and engagement.

  • Event Coordination and Facilitation: Organising and facilitating workshops, seminars, networking events, 和庆祝日,以促进知识共享, skill development, and community building.

  • Progress Monitoring and Evaluation: 监测和评价方案参与者的进展情况, 跟踪关键绩效指标(kpi)和度量,以评估其增长和影响. 您将确定需要改进的领域,以提高规划的有效性和成果.

  • Reporting and Communication: 为我们的SMT和资助者准备定期的进度报告,强调主要成就, challenges, and opportunities. 您将有效沟通,以确保项目绩效和优先事项的透明度和一致性.

  • Budget Management: Managing the programme budget effectively, 确保资源的有效分配和目标财务绩效. You will be responsible for monitoring expenses, tracking financial performance, 并确定节省成本和/或产生额外收入的机会,以最大限度地提高我们的项目影响和交付. 

What is on offer? 

该职位提供具有竞争力的薪水(28k - 35k英镑)以及:

  • 25 days holiday per year
  • Quarterly team activities 
  • Workplace pension
  • Hybrid/flexible working
  • Target led bonus

Our team currently work Monday to Friday, 9am - 5:30pm and Friday 9am - 5pm, 但可能偶尔需要在清晨或晚上的活动中支持或代表十大网博靠谱平台数字. 


How to apply? 

Please email your CV and a covering letter to 


  • Stage 1:根据我们的角色标准对您的申请进行初步审查. In addition to sending us your CV, 我们恳请您给我们发一封激励信,告诉我们您对这个职位的兴趣所在.  我们不会考虑未遵循完整申请流程的申请.

  • Stage 2: A competency based interview
  • Stage 3: A final stage interview 

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